Pierre Poilievre tells Trudeau to shut down Roxham Road


In Ottawa, Pierre Poilievre told Justin Trudeau to stop the illegal border crossings at Roxham Road on the border between Quebec and the United States. He told Trudeau to make it happen in 30 days.

Poilievre spoke after the Premier of Quebec demanded Trudeau take action to stop thousands of people from crossing the border illegally from the United States.

On the CBC, Justin Trudeau tried to deflect responsibility for the problem by blaming the United States. He also indirectly compared Pierre Poilievre to Donald Trump, by accusing him of wanting to build a wall, something that Pierre Poilievre has never suggested.

Poilievre explained that Trudeau has nobody to blame but himself.

He reminded Trudeau that the people who are suffering are millions of immigrants who played by the rules and applied to come to Canada legally.