Weekly Update: Liberals, NDP silence a victim of intimate partner violence at Commons committee


Women invited to talk about intimate partner violence at a committee meeting in Ottawa left in protest, after Liberal and NDP MPs derailed the proceedings to talk about abortion instead.

The meeting started out with Cait Alexander sharing her awful story. Cait Alexander’s testimony continued. She named other victims and their cases. Megan Walker, Vice-Chair of the London Ontario Police Service Board and an advocate to end male violence against women, also testified. After the witnesses gave their opening remarks, committee members got to ask questions. When they were just getting started, Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld moved a motion to discuss abortion instead of ask the witnesses questions about intimate partner violence. Liberal and NDP committee members also then made it clear it was more important to them to speak first, before a Conservative MP, than to give the witnesses more time to speak and share their ideas for positive change. They called points of order until NDP MP Leah Gazan was given the floor. During MP Gazan’s speech, the witnesses left the meeting in frustration. The witnesses have publicly expressed their disappointment and demanded an apology. The emergency committee meeting was called by Conservatives largely in response to the brutal femicide of 17-year-old Breanna Broadfoot, who was killed by an intimate partner barely two weeks before, while trying to end the relationship. Cait Alexander and Megan Walker continue to call for change. Advocates and Conservative MPs would like to see more meetings on intimate partner violence in the near future, where they can actually discuss steps to protect victims.