In British Columbia, the right is united


In British Columbia, BC United Leader Kevin Falcon suspended his party’s election campaign, endorsed the BC Conservatives, and announced plans to fold the party. He was joined by British Columbia Conservative Leader John Rustad for a press conference. British Columbia’s election is slated for October 19th of this year. Falcon said “what became apparent to me as I’ve crisscrossed the province and heard from literally tens of thousands of people, they’ve said ‘if you guys don’t do the right thing and be the adults in the room and help bring together that free enterprise, centre right, common sense coalition government, you’re going to help elect an NDP government.’ And all of you that know me, know that there is nothing more important to me and my children and your children and grandchildren, that we not give the NDP one more day in power than they absolutely have to have.” Conservative leader Rustad thanked Falcon. “I think Kevin has shown himself to put the interests of the province first, and I can’t thank him enough for the work he is doing. We have a ton of work that we need to do together and that we need to do for all of us in British Columbia.”