Corbin Kelley
Tory government appoints former MLA to Council of Atlantic Premiers job – CBC News
Murray Ryan was approved earlier this month as the Nova Scotia government's nominee to be the Atlantic council's next secretary.
Ford takes aim at auditor general after casino sting operation – CP24
Premier Doug Ford says Ontario’s auditor general needs to “stay in her lane” after she ordered a casino-sting operation in the province.
Transcript reveals Trudeau’s call with former Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen – The Vancouver...
As the prime minister testified Friday, a rough transcript of a Feb. 3 call was shown at the public inquiry into Justin...
Tory MP calls for more telecomm competition – Intelligencer
Bay of Quinte MP and Conservative shadow minister for PanCanadian Trade and Competition, Ryan Williams is calling on the federal government to...
Harder line on ‘evil authoritarian regimes’ like China: Conservative Senator – CBC News
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday he had not been briefed on Chinese funding of candidates
‘This is a great city’: Premier Smith pledges support for Calgary – Calgary Herald
In a speech to the Calgary Chamber, Smith promised upgrades to Deerfoot Trail and new funding models to help the city build...
Ford announces Ontario gas tax cut to be extended – CP24
Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced he is set to extend the province’s gas tax cut for another year.
Most fiscally responsible premiers, ranked National Post
The Fraser Institute analysis is based on three metrics: Government spending, taxation, and deficits and debt
What won’t Trudeau and the Liberals Politicize? – Corbin Kelley
Bill C-29 is one that should be nonpartisan, but leave it up to the Trudeau Liberals to make it partisan
Peterson interviews Premier Smith on conservatism and Alberta – National Post
'I can't set up military bases.... That means that the federal government should not be legislating or interfering in our areas of...