Corbin Kelley
Premier Jason Kenney joins massive queue to pay respects to Queen Elizabeth – Globe...
Waiting 14 hours in line to pay respects
Stephen Harper invested into Order of Canada – Toronto Star
In London for The Queen's funeral, the former PM was invested into the Order of Canada
P.E.I. Conservatives say Poilievre brings fresh voice – CBC News
Many Island Conservatives are applauding Pierre Poilievre's federal leadership win.
UCP leadership candidates continue pitching plans – Edmonton Journal
Major changes appear to be coming to AHS
Poilievre’s win signals change for social conservatives – The Canadian Press
During the race, Poilievre vowed not to reopen the abortion debate but to continue to allow his party's caucus to have free...
Bowie: It’s all about words. And Pierre Poilievre continues to get it right –...
The new Conservative leader excels at using plain language to make complicated issues understandable to all Canadians
Speer: Poilievre, the new CPC leader—what should his agenda be? -The
Social mobility ought to be the anchor of Canadian Conservative politics
Pierre Poilievre wins big — everywhere – The Writ
Landslide victory hands Pierre Poilievre 330 of 338 ridings
Charest co-chair: Poilievre won handily, time to unite behind him – National Post
Poilievre's policies may have seemed at times provocative, but he captured an increasingly popular sentiment that is looking for the clearest break...
Pierre Poilievre is attracting new people to the Conservatives says Andrew Scheer –...
Former leader of the CPC says Poilievre has grown Party base