Many Island Conservatives are applauding Pierre Poilievre's federal leadership win.
During the race, Poilievre vowed not to reopen the abortion debate but to continue to allow his party's caucus to have free votes on matters of conscience.
Pierre Poilievre swept the Conservative leadership contest with an overwhelming victory Saturday. Poilievre won 68 per cent of the vote, placing first in all but eight of Canada’s thirty hundred and thirty-eight electoral districts. Four hundred and...
The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, newly-elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada speaks to party members and Canadians for the first time after his decisive victory.
Landslide victory hands Pierre Poilievre 330 of 338 ridings
Poilievre's policies may have seemed at times provocative, but he captured an increasingly popular sentiment that is looking for the clearest break from the Liberals
The new leader speaks to his caucus in Ottawa for the first time since his victory Saturday in the Conservative Party of Canada leadership election.
Former leader of the CPC says Poilievre has grown Party base
With almost 70 percent of the vote, there is still a lot of work to be done to unite the Party
The seven-time MP for Carleton, Ontario was elected with 68 per cent of the vote, winning 330 of Canada's 338 electoral districts. Other 417,000 party members voted in the largest leadership election in Canadian history