Monday, September 16, 2024
"The protocol allows for events to take place in a respectful way," said Rob Batherson
"Voters aren’t stupid. They know the Liberal playbook, particularly under this prime minister. They know, for example, that Trudeau was against vaccine mandates before he was suddenly for them just ahead of a pointless election."
We sit down one-on-one with Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest. We ask the man who was premier of Quebec for nine years about his track record, his motivations, and his plans for tackling the carbon tax, the...
It seems Poilievre’s camp has, intentionally or not, discovered a new strategy brimming with potential: stealing left-wing populists from an NDP more interested in performative social justice than real economic justice. 
Pierre Poilievre swept the Conservative leadership contest with an overwhelming victory Saturday. Poilievre won 68 per cent of the vote, placing first in all but eight of Canada’s thirty hundred and thirty-eight electoral districts. Four hundred and...
Landslide victory hands Pierre Poilievre 330 of 338 ridings
The new leader speaks to his caucus in Ottawa for the first time since his victory Saturday in the Conservative Party of Canada leadership election.


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