Friday, October 18, 2024
Like many of you, I’m a shareholder of several widely-held companies.  Whether it be directly, or indirectly via a pension plan or ETF, the Canadian public owns a huge share of the TSX 60 equity box. 
Pluralism cannot be a one-sided surrender to illiberal and reactionary forces
Cutting our history and heroes from Canadian passports is but the latest example of the prime minister's ongoing quest to erase the symbols that bind us as a nation
If Israel is constrained in its response to Hamas, the terrorism will continue indefinitely
Foreign affairs minister makes bogus comparison between Oct. 7 and allegations against Israelis in Gaza
Canadians need to know that this regime poses a direct threat to their security
Liberal government has failed to ‘turn down temperature’ as antisemitism hits boiling point
The idea of cutting ties with the federal NDP has run into a few snags
Pundits keep misrepresenting how Conservatives fared in recent by-elections


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