Sunday, October 6, 2024
Although Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre almost scooped me in his recent Vancouver Board of Trade speech when he provided his audience some insight into how he views Corporate Lobbyists, I’m hoping that this week’s column will help Star readers...
If you want to make your mark on the world, tackle the tough issues. Do the right thing, not the easy thing. Learn from Brian Mulroney and you’ll live a life of consequence.
Like many of you, I’m a shareholder of several widely-held companies.  Whether it be directly, or indirectly via a pension plan or ETF, the Canadian public owns a huge share of the TSX 60 equity box. 
Have you forgotten the "All Politics is Local" rule? Mark McQueen According to one of my morning newspapers, Alberta Premier “Danielle Smith’s plan to withdraw from CPP would leave all...
In a word, the Conservative  convention was “purposeful." Time may be Pierre Poilievre's friend, after all. Mark McQueen I borrowed today’s headline from a March 1986 column written by The Globe...
It's the values, stupid. Mark McQueen There’s no better way to capture Hugh Segal’s philosophy, his values-based commitment to Canada, and...
Olivia Chow always wanted to shut down to this popular success story. ...
telephone, lightbulb, sonar, insulin, electron microscope, Imax, Canadarm, Blackberry...(clean tech) Mark McQueen At last check, the price of a barrel of crude oil is off 32% over the past twelve months. Prices...
What does the Liberal's Supercluster strategy tell us about the new $83B CleanTech bonanza? - Mark McQueen "Budget 2023 a missed opportunity to keep Canada competitive in...


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