Thursday, September 19, 2024
The recent passage of a Chinese spy balloon over Canadian and U.S. airspace puts a “sharp focus” on why Canada must prioritize modernizing its military in the face of growing incursions from China and Russia in the Arctic, former defence minister Peter MacKay says.
Ours is not a story of bickering and dithering but of can-do and compromise
The public broadcaster has outlived its usefulness
Trudeau's appointment of anti-Islamophobia czar is just his latest riff on divisive American grievance politics
If they don’t want a repeat of 2006, the Liberals should tighten bail restrictions and revive old Tory reforms
This episode of Hub Dialogues features host Sean Speer in conversation with conservative thinker and political strategist Ginny Roth about the state of Canadian conservative politics, as well as broader trends in Anglo-American conservatism.
It's not exactly a resurrection but the United Conservative Party's revival comes close
Justin Trudeau's multigenerational home renovation tax credit is a cynical ploy to target ethnic voters, argues Rahim Mohamed
Here's why we can't let them succeed. Plus, a bonus segment about publishing long-form pieces as a Member of Parliament. This week’s inflation numbers show a long way to go before inflation drops to...
The Alberta Sovereignty Act may be Danielle Smith’s best hope of protecting Alberta’s oil and gas workers from federal overreach


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