Monday, September 16, 2024
Here's why we can't let them succeed. Plus, a bonus segment about publishing long-form pieces as a Member of Parliament. This week’s inflation numbers show a long way to go before inflation drops to...
It's the values, stupid. Mark McQueen There’s no better way to capture Hugh Segal’s philosophy, his values-based commitment to Canada, and...
Have you forgotten the "All Politics is Local" rule? Mark McQueen According to one of my morning newspapers, Alberta Premier “Danielle Smith’s plan to withdraw from CPP would leave all...
It's as if they're deliberately trying to whittle their voter base down to the most excitable, pearl-clutchingest urbanites. And it seems to be working
Gondek couldn't leave the politics alone — even in a city emergency
Alas, the Conservative leader won’t commit to spending two per cent of Canada's GDP on defence
Announcement comes amidst new details of agency’s staff involvement in Oct. 7 massacre
The new Conservative leader excels at using plain language to make complicated issues understandable to all Canadians


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