Thursday, September 19, 2024
Saddled with a government that can no longer deliver basic services, Canadians will settle for competence 
Allowing immigrants to take their oath of citizenship by checking an online box is a natural extension of the prime minister's postmodern, nihilistic view of the country Author of the article:
Poilievre is resonating with the public because he is echoing their concerns
A lawless federal government continues to invade our jurisdiction
For a man who’s supposedly divisive and ripping apart the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre seems to be building a lot of bridges.
Smith's larger concern is the electricity regulations coming from Ottawa. The feds demand that Alberta's grid be net-zero by 2035
Implementing the Harper government's Strategic Review model would help impose some budget discipline
The government’s immigration policy is distorting business investment and undermining productivity
Conservatives need to be part of the solution. Thus far, we're part of the problem.


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