Saturday, September 7, 2024
The metaphor of the boxer who takes on the opponent who underestimates him, and comes out on top, works for Justin Trudeau - until it doesn't. Paul Wells. Justin Trudeau On the Ropes: Governing...
Stephen Maher. The Prince: The Turbulent Reign of Justin Trudeau. Simon and Schuster Canada, Toronto, 2024.  385 pp. By Matthew Rowley Reading Stephen Maher’s fascinating new book on...
In addition to telling a personal and political story about an important man, Lawton’s book also provides an invaluable aid to anyone seeking to understand the modern Conservative Party of Canada. Understanding...
Justin Trudeau is accused of an about-face over Canada’s temporary foreign worker program, following a scathing report. After becoming Prime Minister, Trudeau ramped up the program. The UN special rapporteur, Tomoya Obokata, explains his findings after his...
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian citizenship. Conservatives want...
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian...
The seven-time MP for Carleton, Ontario was elected with 68 per cent of the vote, winning 330 of Canada's 338 electoral districts. Other 417,000 party members voted in the largest leadership election in Canadian history
Women invited to talk about intimate partner violence at a committee meeting in Ottawa left in protest, after Liberal and NDP MPs derailed the proceedings to talk about abortion instead. The meeting started out...
Other Conservatives join the leader in condemning the senseless and brutal slaughter of innocent civilians, women and children. On Sunday, Pierre Poilievre called out out the senseless attacks on Israel by the Iranian-backed terrorist...
Will Trudeau stay on as Leader of the Liberal Party into the next election? Time will tell.


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