Sunday, October 6, 2024
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian...
Women invited to talk about intimate partner violence at a committee meeting in Ottawa left in protest, after Liberal and NDP MPs derailed the proceedings to talk about abortion instead. The meeting started out...
Members of a special House of Commons committee on Tuesday will consider whether to study documents detailing allegations against two scientists fired from a high-security lab in Winnipeg.
The watered-down motion passed the House Monday night after some MPs protested the last-minute change
Fast was first elected in 2006 and previously served as minister of international trade
Commons committee to study killer's prison conditions after MP learns there's a hockey rink at La Macaza
Conservative MP Michael Chong wanted to investigate why covert operations by Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng were not caught earlier
Anand 'very surprised' to learn DND employee's company got ArriveCan contract, Poilievre calls for police probe
Brian Mulroney’s death is also a loss for all Canadians Former leader of the Conservative Party Andrew Scheer took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his sympathies for the loss of the Right Honourable...
Auto thieves should not be allowed to serve their sentence "in their living room watching Netflix," Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said Monday.


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