Saturday, September 7, 2024
Brian Mulroney’s death is also a loss for all Canadians Former leader of the Conservative Party Andrew Scheer took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his sympathies for the loss of the Right Honourable...
MP’s gathered for the first time since June to pay their respects to the memory of the Queen. Pierre Poilievre spoke for the first time as Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. In his tribute to the...
Bill C-29 is one that should be nonpartisan, but leave it up to the Trudeau Liberals to make it partisan OTTAWA - In October, a Standing Committee for Indigenous and Northern Affairs within...
The Commons committee on National Security and Public Safety continued to investigate Liberal interference in the RCMP Nova Scotia massing shooting investigation. Manitoba Conservative MP Raquel Dancho grilled the Public Safety Minister and the Commissioner of the...
In Ottawa, British Columbia MP Ed Fast is leading a Conservative push to stop the Trudeau Liberals from expanding medical assistance in dying to people suffering from mental illness Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre strongly supports Ed Fast’s...
In Ottawa, Pierre and Anaida Poilievre bring their baby boy to Parliament Hill to celebrate his first birthday as the Conservative caucus gets back to work. Parliament goes back in session to honour the memory of the...
The new leader speaks to his caucus in Ottawa for the first time since his victory Saturday in the Conservative Party of Canada leadership election.
In Ottawa, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre announced his new shadow cabinet. It is a mixture of old and new faces and one big surprise. Some of the most senior critics were...
Other Conservatives join the leader in condemning the senseless and brutal slaughter of innocent civilians, women and children. On Sunday, Pierre Poilievre called out out the senseless attacks on Israel by the Iranian-backed terrorist...
Alain Rayes, MP for Richmond - Arthabasca in Quebec, quit the Conservative caucus after his candidate Jean Charest lost the leadership election to Pierre Poilievre. But Poilieve defeated Charest in 74 out of 78...


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