Wednesday, September 18, 2024
The leader of the federal conservative party is raising the alarm over housing costs in the country.
Conservative party faithful from across the region braved a winter storm Friday night for their chance to catch Canada’s opposition leader in an up-close and personal setting.
According to the latest Nanos survey, Poilievre is polling at 32.9 per cent, well ahead of his main rival, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who polled at 23.3 per cent
The finance minister had told cabinet colleagues that new programs in the next budget would have to come partly from “internal reallocations.”
The Conservative Party of Canada brought in more donations during the first three months of the year than any other federal party.
Conservative leader focused on April 1 carbon tax hike
Conservative Party of Canada leader hosts ‘town hall’ meeting in Timmins
A new poll suggests nearly half of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque as the cost of living crisis continues to squeeze household budgets, and young people are more likely to say their finances are in poor...


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