Monday, September 16, 2024
His insular communications strategy is a necessary defense against Canada’s anti-American psychosis
Supporters flocked to see Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre at the Calgary Stampede, where he spoke about his optimistic vision of Canada’s future if elected Prime Minister. 
OTTAWA - Supervised consumption sites are just "drug dens" that a future Conservative government would seek to close and not provide with "a single taxpayer dollar," Pierre Poilievre said Friday.
Conservatives lead by 18 over the Liberals. It’s been 658 straight days that the Conservatives have led the Liberals in Abacus Data polling.
A December byelection in the Toronto suburbs has big political value
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said Tuesday that the Chinese diplomat allegedly involved in the attempted intimidation still retains his diplomatic accreditation and immunity.
Progressive Conservative PM of Canada for nine years who was a leading opponent of apartheid and an early environmentalist
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being desperate to justify his disapproval rating. 
The Conservatives are solidifying their lead over the Liberals, while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre are neck-and-neck for preferred prime minister, according to weekly tracking from Nanos Research.
From May 6 to 9, 2024, Abacus Data conducted a survey of 1,000 eligible voters in British Columbia exploring their views on federal politics and government as part of a larger survey. 


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