Monday, September 16, 2024
Here's what's happening this week in Conservative Canada: Jamaican vacation: Justin Trudeau’s wealthy Trudeau foundation supporters gave him an $80,000 holiday at a luxury resort. Pierre Poilievre paid for his own Sunwing travel package. He tackled Trudeau...
Here's whats happening in Conservative Canada: Voters in the federal riding of Toronto-St. Paul’s elected the Conservative candidate in June’s by-election, following the resignation of former cabinet minister and Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett. 
Will Trudeau stay on as Leader of the Liberal Party into the next election? Time will tell.
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian citizenship. Conservatives want...
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian...
Justin Trudeau is accused of an about-face over Canada’s temporary foreign worker program, following a scathing report. After becoming Prime Minister, Trudeau ramped up the program. The UN special rapporteur, Tomoya Obokata, explains his findings after his...
Prime Minister Trudeau’s vision for a more prosperous Canada relies on a much larger role for the federal government, with more spending, regulation, borrowing and higher taxes.
The party has passed a point of no return in distancing itself from an unpopular prime minister
Questions are being raised about Housing and Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen's spending $93,000 in constituency funds for public relations help from Munch More Media, a food marketing firm
The prime minister hasn't been this unpopular since early 2020, as Canadians grow frustrated with unaffordable housing and the rising cost of living


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