Wednesday, September 18, 2024
The Liberal-led circus surrounding allegations of foreign interference took a new turn on Friday when David Johnston, brought on by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in March to look into claims of interference by China in the past...
Opposition parties are demanding a public inquiry after Johnston chose not to recommend one
Here's what's happening this week in Conservative Canada: Jamaican vacation: Justin Trudeau’s wealthy Trudeau foundation supporters gave him an $80,000 holiday at a luxury resort. Pierre Poilievre paid for his own Sunwing travel package. He tackled Trudeau...
Charity mired in controversy over lingering questions about 2016 donation
Justin Trudeau’s wealthy Trudeau foundation supporters gave him an $80,000 holiday at a luxury resort. Pierre Poilievre paid for his own Sunwing travel package. He tackled Trudeau in Question Period. Trudeau’s pricey vacation in...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on the defensive on Tuesday over costs associated with, and the location of, his family's Christmas vacation in Jamaica, with opposition party leaders questioning his judgment and demanding more information about the...
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation has now returned controversial $140,000 Beijing-linked donation
Charity's leadership cites controversy over Beijing-linked donor to explain the move
In Ottawa, Stephen Harper told a packed room that Conservatives need to hold Justin Trudeau accountable for eight years of failure. Harper also took aim at foreign funding for Liberal elections campaigns from the Communist regime in...
Here’s what’s happening this week in Conservative Canada: Coverup: What did Justin Trudeau know about dirty election money from Communists in Beijing? Pierre Poilievre asks Trudeau 25 questions. Trudeau doesn’t answer any of them.


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