Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Justin Trudeau had no answers after another report of illegal election campaign money from the Communist regime in Beijing, this time from Sam Cooper of Global News. Global News reported that Beijing’s consulate in...
Conservative motion calling on Telford to testify before another committee was defeated
Conservative Black Congress of Canada chair Tunde Obasan says the Liberals’ constant labelling of their opponents as “racists” is offensive and undermines the lived experiences of Canadians of colour.
The two largest opposition parties have been quick to question Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's pick of former governor general David Johnston as the new special rapporteur tasked with making an all-encompassing assessment of foreign interference and the...
Opposition wants to summon Trudeau's chief of staff, but Liberal MPs have filibustered to stall the motion
PM to name a 'special rapporteur' on Chinese election interference soon
Speaking to journalists in Ottawa on Tuesday, Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre was skeptical of any "special rapporteur" who would oversee actions after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed to new steps to combat allegations of...
In Ottawa, Pierre Poilievre told Justin Trudeau to stop the illegal border crossings at Roxham Road on the border between Quebec and the United States. He told Trudeau to make it happen in 30 days.
Conservatives suggest donation calls recent report on election interference into question
Opposition MPs passed a motion Thursday calling for the federal government to launch a national public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference, after hearing hours of testimony from top intelligence officials who sought to assure that the...


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