Sunday, October 6, 2024
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said Canada has become “weak, poor and defenceless” under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and promised to “bring home control” of the country’s defence capabilities
CBC News language guide says use of the word terrorism ‘can leave journalists taking sides in a conflict’
Ottawa must 'take action to counter Hamas any way we can,' the Conservative leader said
The Diefenbaker government’s 1959 decision to scrap the fabled Avro Arrow was significantly influenced by Canadian intelligence that pointed to a diminishing need for the costly aircraft in the evolving Cold War, says a new research paper...
More than 60 former military, security and political officials are renewing calls for the federal government to increase its defence spending, amid reports the prime minister privately told NATO allies Canada will never meet its spending commitment...
While Canada may have finally committed to buying a fleet of F-35 fighter jets after a yearslong saga, a former Conservative cabinet minister argues it comes at a time when the country needs — and could have...


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