Friday, October 18, 2024
At Queen’s Park, the Legislature is back in session. The NDP wasted no time pitching Premier Doug Ford for higher pay for unionized nurses and hospital workers, they said, in order to keep emergency rooms open.
In Charlottetown, Premier Dennis King announced some badly-needed assistance for Islanders coping with the soaring cost of living: a one-time increase to the PEI Sales Tax Credit in January 2023. Individuals with income...
Smith and Scott Moe put Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh on notice: Alberta and Saskatchewan will stand up for their rights under the constitution
Alain Rayes, MP for Richmond - Arthabasca in Quebec, quit the Conservative caucus after his candidate Jean Charest lost the leadership election to Pierre Poilievre. But Poilieve defeated Charest in 74 out of 78...
“I have my hands full here in Ontario, and I’m going to focus on that.”


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