Monday, September 16, 2024
Justin Trudeau’s 2019 law on assessing the environmental impact of new projects is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in a 5 to 2 decision. Chief Justice Richard Wagner wrote the decision. He...
In Ottawa, the Trudeau Liberals backtrack on banning hunting rifles after the Conservatives pushed back hard. Conservative MP's demand tougher parole rules after random attacks on innocent bystanders in Toronto and Vancouver.
In Alberta, August 12th was deadline to sign up to vote for the new leader of the United Conservative Party and the next premier of Alberta. If you’re a member of the UCP, you can expect...
The United Conservative Party Leadership Debate is Tuesday, August the 30th in Edmonton from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Citadel Theatre.
With the Trudeau Liberals pushing Bill C-21 through Parliament - a law that would confiscate legal firearms from law-abiding owners, Alberta’s UCP government tabled its own firearms legislation. Alberta Attorney General Tyler Shandro says the bill is...
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper took time to remind Alberta voters of the mess that Rachel Notley made during the NDP’s disastrous one-term government.
"There's only one option to protect the economic livelihoods of you and your family. That's Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party." On Friday, the former Prime Minister and MP for Calgary-Heritage endorsed Danielle...
All major networks are now calling it for a majority UCP government lead by Danielle Smith The United Conservative Party of Alberta is poised to win a majority government as of May 29. Danielle...
Here's what's happening in conservative Canada this week
Things were rocking at the Rooftop in Calgary at the Western Standard UCP leadership debate. Only three candidates were invited to to this tilt, hosted by Western Standard publisher Derek Fildebrandt. Check out the...


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