Monday, September 16, 2024
Here's what's happening this week in Conservative Canada: Jamaican vacation: Justin Trudeau’s wealthy Trudeau foundation supporters gave him an $80,000 holiday at a luxury resort. Pierre Poilievre paid for his own Sunwing travel package. He tackled Trudeau...
The United Conservative Party Leadership Debate is Tuesday, August the 30th in Edmonton from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Citadel Theatre.
All major networks are now calling it for a majority UCP government lead by Danielle Smith The United Conservative Party of Alberta is poised to win a majority government as of May 29. Danielle...
Here's whats happening in Conservative Canada: Voters in the federal riding of Toronto-St. Paul’s elected the Conservative candidate in June’s by-election, following the resignation of former cabinet minister and Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett. 
In Alberta, the UCP Government under the leadership of both Premiers Jason Kenney and Danielle Smith has made addictions treatment a priority.
In a statement, Shandro says, “Law Society processes are designed to protect Albertans from bad lawyers. The abuse of this process for political gain is wrong.”
As is tradition for many politicians, Premier Danielle Smith hosted a pancake breakfast in Calgary’s downtown to celebrate Stampede festivities Monday.
The representative for Calgary Heritage says in a statement that he plans to leave at the end of the year.
Ballot support for the UCP sits at 49 percent, while the NDP hs 41 percent.


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