Saturday, September 7, 2024
Home Regions Newfoundland & Labrador

Newfoundland & Labrador

Interim leader took over nearly 2 years ago
Interim PC leader says he's visiting Ottawa in coming weeks
Justice and Public Safety Minister John Hogan says $500K allocated
Wakeham says he wants to put people before politics
On a rainy and grey Saturday evening in St. John's, Tony Wakeham was pronounced the Progressive Conservative party's new leader to resounding cheers.
Paddock successful in 2nd time on the ballot, earning nearly 80% of votes cast
The Progressive Conservatives of Newfoundland and Labrador are raising questions as to why the government has allowed a shortage of respiratory therapists to continue for so long.
The Progressive Conservative Opposition wants to know why an oil company is closing its local offices and abandoning two lucrative offshore licences.
The official opposition leader concentrated his criticisms of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government on taxes and gun control legislation.


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