Sunday, October 6, 2024
In Ontario, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government is banning drug consumption sites near schools and child care centres, closing down 10 sites across the province, including 5 in Toronto. Sylvia Jones, Ontario's health minister also announced $378...
The question is being asked. How did a father and son, arrested and charged with planning a violent terrorist attack, get into Canada in the first place? The father has even been given Canadian...
Here's whats happening in Conservative Canada: Voters in the federal riding of Toronto-St. Paul’s elected the Conservative candidate in June’s by-election, following the resignation of former cabinet minister and Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett. 
Speeding up the project is anticipated to benefit Ontario’s economy by hundreds of millions of dollars, by getting drivers and goods out of gridlock much quicker.
Amherstburg residents welcome Conservative leader’s comments
Latest figures show Ontario PCs with $9M surplus, dwarfing NDP and Liberals amid early election buzz
Drug decriminalization is an “absolute nightmare” that will “never” happen under Ontario’s Progressive-Conservative government, Premier Doug Ford says.
Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs continue to lead over Bonnie Crombie’s Ontario Liberals, by 13 percentage points.
Ontario's premier said some of what he’s seen and heard about the protests is 'unacceptable, adding, 'I can’t stand some of the nasty stuff I’ve been seeing out there'
Premier Doug Ford says he wants all spots in Ontario medical schools to be reserved for students from the province.


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