Monday, September 16, 2024
Global News said a Liberal Member of Parliament told a Chinese diplomat in Toronto to keep two innocent Canadians locked up, in solitary confinement, to help Justin Trudeau win the 2021 federal election. Following...
At Queen’s Park, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government delivers this year’s budget, with new dollars for health care, roads, and Ontario’s booming auto industry, as the province's revenues get a boost from a growing economy.
In Ontario, education minister Stephen Lecce introduced sweeping reforms to the education system, to help Ontario students succeed in core skills like reading and math. The Ontario NDP leader wants the government to spend...
Doug Ford campaigned hard in 2022, securing his second majority government in June, and a clear mandate from the people of Ontario. Ford’s Progressive Conservatives won 83 seats, taking seats from the NDP in Brampton, Windsor, Hamilton,...
In Ottawa, the Trudeau Liberals backtrack on banning hunting rifles after the Conservatives pushed back hard. Conservative MP's demand tougher parole rules after random attacks on innocent bystanders in Toronto and Vancouver.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones announced a new three-step plan to help reduce wait times for surgeries. The province estimates that over 200,000 Ontarians are currently on the waiting list...
Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that students in Grade 11 will soon be able to enter a full-time trades apprenticeship without turning their back on high school graduation. Education Minister Stephen Lecce said it’s all about students...
Here's what's happening in conservative Canada this week
The Ontario premier swallowed a bee while taking questions from reporters at a news conference in Dundalk.
Premier Doug Ford unveils an exciting new plan for Ontario Place in Toronto’s waterfront district, with a new Ontario Science Centre as the project’s crown jewel. The Premier talked about all the things people will be able...


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