Saturday, September 7, 2024
Premier Scott Moe unveiled Wall’s portrait in the rotunda surrounded by dignitaries, friends and family.
Premier Scott Moe currently on trade mission in India
Board of Internal Economy will discuss raise set to take effect on April 1
Premier Moe made it known he was impressed with what the company was doing, particularly with respect to emissions at their production sites and even at their loading facilities.
Saskatchewan is looking to strengthen ties with a country that’s already one of its major trading partners
As he speeds into the new year with ideas about growth and autonomy, Premier Scott Moe paused to take a look back at the work done in the year that’s about to end.
Saskatchewan’s premier wants to make his voice heard in Ottawa.
It’s about to get easier for health-care workers from other countries to work in Saskatchewan.
According to the province, the average annual provincial funding for the program over the past five years is more than $261 million.


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